Wiederhold Genealogy information

This page is now obsoloted and repleced by GeneaologyInformation. They introduce the files that present Wiederhold family information.


This work was motivated by a desire to make earlier work by Alfred Wiederhold, who worked for over thirty years to create a comprehensive genealogy for Wiederholds anywhere in the world. He published about a dozen copies. The internet provides an opportunity for sharing and expanding the information to a much broader audience. Most of Alfred's source documents are now available on-line.

Introductory material

These documents require some effort and cross validation to become as easy to use as genealogies available on public web sites. Background, motivation, scope, limits, and methods used have are described as The Wiederhold Genealogy. A description of the source documents by Alfred Wiederhold in German is available here.  Advice on how to use the charts is given in the introduction for the list of Charts for Diverse Places. A score of related documents and stories are now available and contributions are welcome.

The current Wiederhold Genealogy

A searchable tree, comprising all known Wiederholds born before 1800, much of their early family, and many of their descendants. This file is still .

It awaits

  1. Installations of suitable software
  2. Completion and validation of the data

Further material

Information on the earliest Wiederholds - or Wedderolds - was not available to Alfred Wiederhold when he published his 12 volumes. See Wedderold from 1220 to 1400.
Some entries from the Warburger Stamtafeln are also related to prior entries in the genealogy tree. Some of those linkages are presented in the story about the Counts of Hessen, with references to their Wikipedia entries. A contemporaneous map is included in

Map of southern Westfalen and Northern Hessen

Some entries from the Warburger Stamtafeln are also related to prior entries in the genealogy tree. Some of those linkages are presented in the story about the Counts of Hessen, with references to their Wikipedia entries. the section describing the founding of Hessen.
Many emigrants in the US came from the catholic Eichsfeld region of Germany. Pages describing two of the major towns, Dingelstädt and Kefferhausen were described in a book originally published (in German) in 1845.




Many people have helped with aspects of this research

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back to Wiederhold Family front page    This page last updated 8 March 2019.