
Anna Margaretha Junge1730

Anna Margaretha Junge
Birth March 29, 1730
Kefferhausen, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Latitude: N51.3167 Longitude: E10.2833

MarriageLaurentius RintzlandView this family
February 17, 1773 (Age 42 years)
Kefferhausen, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Latitude: N51.3167 Longitude: E10.2833

Death of a husbandLaurentius Rintzland
May 3, 1800 (Age 70 years)
Kefferhausen, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Latitude: N51.3167 Longitude: E10.2833

Alfred W. Generation
Family with Laurentius Rintzland - View this family
Marriage: February 17, 1773Kefferhausen, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Laurentius Rintzland + Anna Catharina Hucke - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: November 25, 1738
9 months
Joannes Rindsland
Birth: September 4, 1739 25 25Dingelstädt, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Death: September 12, 1767Dingelstädt, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Laurentius Rintzland + Anna Margaretha Jäger - View this family
husband’s wife
Anna Margaretha Jäger
Birth: July 27, 1719Dingelstädt, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Death: Kindbettfieber (childbirth fever)April 11, 1751Dingelstädt, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Marriage: August 14, 1740Dingelstädt, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Laurentius Rintzland + Maria Montag - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: about 1768
Laurentius Rintzland + Anna Elisabeth Weißenstein - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: November 21, 1765Dingelstädt, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Laurentius Rintzland + Anna Margaretha Heddergott - View this family
husband’s wife
Anna Margaretha Heddergott
Birth: October 19, 1721Dingelstädt, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Death: June 7, 1765Dingelstädt, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Marriage: July 11, 1751Dingelstädt, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany