
Johann August HeyAge: 71 years18591930

Johann August Hey
Birth January 26, 1859
Heuthen, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Latitude: N51.3333 Longitude: E10.2333

MarriageJosefa GaßmannView this family
7 children
July 5, 1887 (Age 28 years)
Heuthen, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Latitude: N51.3333 Longitude: E10.2333

Birth of a daughter
Margaretha Hey
September 24, 1895 (Age 36 years)

Marriage of a childEduard WiederholdMargaretha HeyView this family
January 3, 1922 (Age 62 years)
Heuthen, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
Latitude: N51.3333 Longitude: E10.2333

Death of a wifeJosefa Gaßmann
January 4, 1925 (Age 65 years)

Death December 31, 1930 (Age 71 years)

Family with Josefa Gaßmann - View this family
Marriage: July 5, 1887Heuthen, Eichsfeld, Thüringen, Germany
8 years