
Jörg Detlev Johannes Hugo Wiederhold + Rosalinda Thornton

2 children
Anton Karl Wiederhold
Birth: had 28 March 1966March 6, 1966 28 27Cape Town, Western Cape Province, South Africa
Death: February 19, 2021

Parents Grandparents
Karl Albert Hermann Heinrich Wiederhold
Birth: now Gdansk, Poland/now Gdansk, PolandMarch 14, 1906 47 41Danzig, Westpreußen, Germany
Death: April 2, 1987Kaapstad, Caep van Goode Hoop, Cape Colony, South Africa

Rosalinda Thornton
Birth: September 21, 1938Cape Town, Western Cape Province, South Africa
Death: June 5, 2013Cape Town, Western Cape Province, South Africa
Family group information

The details of this family are private.