
Menne martens Hoekstra + Gelske ruurds Braaksema

1 child
Martje Hoekstra
Birth: October 30, 1834 33 30Visvliet, Zuidhorn, Groningen, The Netherlands
Death: April 22, 1893Noordhorn, Zuidhorn, Groningen, Netherlands

Parents Grandparents
Menne martens Hoekstra
Birth: February 22, 1801Visvliet, Zuidhorn, Groningen, The Netherlands
Death: February 27, 1878Beerta, Reiderland, Groningen, The Netherlands

Gelske ruurds Braaksema
Birth: 1804Visvliet, Zuidhorn, Groningen, The Netherlands
Death: May 29, 1849Visvliet, Zuidhorn, Groningen, The Netherlands
Family group information
Marriage May 20, 1824