
Anna WiederholdAge: 6 years18661872

Anna Wiederhold

Annie Wiederhold

Annie Wiederhold
also known as
Birth June 27, 1866 27 20
Wisconsin, USA
Latitude: N44.775 Longitude: W88.1417

Birth of a sisterMargaret Wiederhold
August 2, 1867 (Age 13 months)
Dickeyville, Grant, Wisconsin, USA
Latitude: N42.6272 Longitude: W90.5921

Birth of a sisterMargaret Wiederhold
1868 (Age 18 months)
Wisconsin, USA
Latitude: N44.775 Longitude: W88.1417

Birth of a brotherJoseph Wiederhold
August 11, 1868 (Age 2 years)
Paris, Grant, Wisconsin, USA
Latitude: N42.6328 Longitude: W88.0518

Birth of a brotherJoseph Wiederhold
1869 (Age 2 years)
Wisconsin, USA
Latitude: N44.775 Longitude: W88.1417

Birth of a brotherGeorg Wiederhold
September 27, 1870 (Age 4 years)
Wisconsin, USA
Latitude: N44.775 Longitude: W88.1417

Death of a sisterElizabeth Wiederhold
1870 (Age 3 years)

Birth of a brotherJohn Michael Wiederhold
May 27, 1872 (Age 5 years)
Wisconsin, USA
Latitude: N44.775 Longitude: W88.1417

September 28, 1872 (Age 6 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: August 31, 1865Dickeyville, Grant, Wisconsin, USA
4 months
elder sister
18 months
13 months
younger sister
1 year
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
20 months
younger brother
20 months
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
6 years
younger sister
Lizzie Wiederhold
Birth: November 12, 1886 47 40
Death: short-livedApril 20, 1889Dickeyville, Grant, Wisconsin, USA