
George Nikolas Vienna KapiotisAge: 31 years18351866

George Nikolas Vienna Kapiotis
Birth April 1835
MarriageMarie-Ann SongheesView this family
4 children
before 1866 (Age 30 years)

Birth of a daughter
Maria Kapiotis
April 27, 1866 (Age 31 years)
British Columbia, Canada
Latitude: N52.1285 Longitude: W123.5603

Death November 15, 1866 (Age 31 years)
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Latitude: N48.4286 Longitude: W123.3658

Family with Marie-Ann Songhees - View this family
Marie-Ann Songhees
Birth: the daughter of the Indian chief of the Songhees tribe. She was only s ixteen years of age but the charms of the young Greek were irresistabl e. She left the convent she was attending at the time and they were ma rried by a Russian Bishop according to the Greek Orthodox dogma. She l earned to speak Greek and both were happy and very much respected by a ll."about 1849British Columbia, Canada
Marriage: before 1866
4 months