
Conrad KlugkistAge: 41 years16111653

Conrad Klugkist
Birth August 15, 1611 34 30
Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Latitude: N53.114 Longitude: E8.7811

Birth of a brotherHeinrich Klugkist
February 25, 1620 (Age 8 years)
Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Latitude: N53.114 Longitude: E8.7811

Death of a motherAdelheid Dannemann
July 12, 1651 (Age 39 years)
Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Latitude: N53.114 Longitude: E8.7811

Alfred W. Generation
also in the Tuybens tree

Death June 9, 1653 (Age 41 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 1608
12 years
younger brother
-9 years
Conrad Klugkist
Birth: August 15, 1611 34 30Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Death: June 9, 1653Eexta, Scheemda, Groningen, The Netherlands