
Ernestina Wilhelmina LooseAge: 64 years18611926

Ernestina Wilhelmina Loose
Birth June 19, 1861 34 28
MarriageCharles GardnerView this family
1 son
November 13, 1883 (Age 22 years)
Deerfield, Livingston, Michigan, USA
Latitude: N41.8889 Longitude: W83.7806

Death of a motherChristine Mary Brendell
1907 (Age 45 years)

Death of a fatherCarl Loose
1909 (Age 47 years)

Death of a husbandCharles Gardner
March 13, 1923 (Age 61 years)
Deerfield, Livingston, Michigan, USA
Latitude: N41.8889 Longitude: W83.7806

Death February 26, 1926 (Age 64 years)
Deerfield, Livingston, Michigan, USA
Latitude: N41.8889 Longitude: W83.7806

Family with parents - View this family
Ernestina Wilhelmina Loose
Birth: June 19, 1861 34 28Middle Franken, Saginaw, Michigan, USA
Death: February 26, 1926Deerfield, Livingston, Michigan, USA
Family with Charles Gardner - View this family
Charles Gardner
Birth: January 22, 1845 31 28Lorentzen, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France
Death: March 13, 1923Deerfield, Livingston, Michigan, USA
Ernestina Wilhelmina Loose
Birth: June 19, 1861 34 28Middle Franken, Saginaw, Michigan, USA
Death: February 26, 1926Deerfield, Livingston, Michigan, USA
Marriage: November 13, 1883Deerfield, Livingston, Michigan, USA