
Johann Wilhelm Peter WiederholdAge: 33 years18001834

Johann Wilhelm Peter Wiederhold

Wilhelm Peter von Wiederhold

Wilhelm Peter von Wiederhold
also known as
Birth October 8, 1800 43 31
Lisboa, Portugal
Latitude: N38.9664 Longitude: W9.227

Birth of a sisterEleonore Paulina Karola Wiederhold
August 31, 1802 (Age 22 months)
Lisboa, Portugal
Latitude: N38.9664 Longitude: W9.227

Birth of a sisterAmalie Luisa Wilhelmina Wiederhold
December 1, 1803 (Age 3 years)
Lisboa, Portugal
Latitude: N38.9664 Longitude: W9.227

Birth of a sisterHenrietta Charlotta Wiederhold
March 21, 1806 (Age 5 years)
Lisboa, Portugal
Latitude: N38.9664 Longitude: W9.227

Death of a sisterEleonore Paulina Karola Wiederhold
November 15, 1806 (Age 6 years)
Lisboa, Portugal
Latitude: N38.9664 Longitude: W9.227

Birth of a sisterKaroline Johanna Friederika Lusitania Wiederhold
December 22, 1808 (Age 8 years)
Lisboa, Portugal
Latitude: N38.9664 Longitude: W9.227

Death of a fatherBernard Wilhelm Wiederhold
October 26, 1810 (Age 10 years)
Lisboa, Portugal
Latitude: N38.9664 Longitude: W9.227

Death of a motherHenrietta Meyer
November 3, 1821 (Age 21 years)
Lisboa, Portugal
Latitude: N38.9664 Longitude: W9.227

Leutnant (lieutenant) und Bergwerksdirektor

Alfred W. Generation
English cemetary
January 29, 1834 (Age 33 years)
Lisboa, Portugal
Latitude: N38.9664 Longitude: W9.227

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 1794
22 months
elder brother
Friedrich Henrich Wilhelm Wiederhold
Birth: October 1795 38 26Kassel, Hessen, Germany
Death: short-livedSeptember 1796Kassel, Hessen, Germany
1 year
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
15 months
Johann Wilhelm Peter Wiederhold
Birth: October 8, 1800 43 31Lisboa, Portugal
Death: English cemetaryJanuary 29, 1834Lisboa, Portugal
23 months
younger sister
Eleonore Paulina Karola Wiederhold
Birth: August 31, 1802 45 33Lisboa, Portugal
Death: place ?November 15, 1806Lisboa, Portugal
15 months
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
Mother’s family with Johan Jakob Lotheißen - View this family
Marriage: Rinteln, Niedersachsen, Germany