Hedwig von LippeAge: 77 years1238–1315
- Name
- Hedwig von Lippe
Hedwig zur Lippe
- Name
- Hedwig zur Lippe
- Type
- also known as
Birth | 1238 44 28 |
Marriage | Otto III. von Ravensberg — View this family 8 children yes |
Death of a mother | Sofie van Cuick-Arnsberg about 1245 (Age 7 years) |
Death of a father | Bernhard III. von Lippe 1265 (Age 27 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Adelheid von Ravensberg 1270 (Age 32 years) |
Death of a brother | Bernhard IV. von Lippe June 1275 (Age 37 years) |
Death of a husband | Otto III. von Ravensberg March 25, 1306 (Age 68 years) |
Death | March 5, 1315 (Age 77 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Bernhard III. von Lippe Birth: about 1194 — Lippe, Oder-Spree, Brandenburg, Germany Death: 1265 |
mother |
Sofie van Cuick-Arnsberg Birth: about 1210 Death: about 1245 |
Marriage: 1230 — |
9 years herself |
Hedwig von Lippe Birth: 1238 44 28 — Brake, Lippe, Germany Death: March 5, 1315 — Ravensberg, Westphalen, Preußen |
-7 years elder brother |
Bernhard IV. von Lippe Birth: about 1230 36 20 Death: June 1275 |
Father’s family with Sophie von Ravensberg-Bechte |
father |
Bernhard III. von Lippe Birth: about 1194 — Lippe, Oder-Spree, Brandenburg, Germany Death: 1265 |
step-mother |
Sophie von Ravensberg-Bechte Birth: about 1220 Death: about 1285 |
Marriage: — |
Family with Otto III. von Ravensberg |
husband |
Otto III. von Ravensberg Birth: 1246 — Dassel, Hannover, Preußen Death: March 25, 1306 — Ravensberg, Westphalen, Preußen |
herself |
Hedwig von Lippe Birth: 1238 44 28 — Brake, Lippe, Germany Death: March 5, 1315 — Ravensberg, Westphalen, Preußen |
Marriage: — |
daughter |
Adelheid von Ravensberg Birth: 1270 24 32 — Ravensberg, Westphalen, Preußen Death: April 13, 1339 — Marburg, Hessen Nassau, Preußen |