Philip von Hohenlohe-NeuensteinAge: 56 years1550–1606
- Name
- Philip von Hohenlohe-Neuenstein
Birth | February 7, 1550 |
Marriage | Maria von Nassau — View this family no natural children February 7, 1585 (Age 35 years) |
Occupation | Graf (count) |
Death | March 6, 1606 (Age 56 years) |
Family with Maria von Nassau |
himself |
Philip von Hohenlohe-Neuenstein Birth: February 7, 1550 Death: March 6, 1606 |
wife |
Maria von Nassau Birth: February 7, 1556 1,542 11 — Idstein (Taunus), Hessen, Germany Death: October 10, 1616 |
Marriage: February 7, 1585 — Buren, Gelderland, The Netherlands |