Justinus von NassauAge: 72 years1559–1631
- Name
- Justinus von Nassau
Justinus van Nassau
- Name
- Justinus van Nassau
- Type
- also known as
Family with parents |
father |
Willem de Zwijger van Oranje Birth: between 14 and April 24, 1533 0 0 — Dillenburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany Death: murdered — July 10, 1584 — Delft, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands |
mother |
Eva Elincx Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1533 |
Marriage: about 1560 — |
Justinus von Nassau Birth: 1559 1,545 26 Death: 1631 |
Father’s family with Charlotte de Bourbon-Montpensier |
father |
Willem de Zwijger van Oranje Birth: between 14 and April 24, 1533 0 0 — Dillenburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany Death: murdered — July 10, 1584 — Delft, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands |
step-mother |
Charlotte de Bourbon-Montpensier Birth: 1546 32 Death: May 5, 1582 — Antwerpen, Belgium |
Marriage: July 12, 1575 — |
3 years half-sister |
Katharina Belgica van Oranje-Nassau Birth: July 31, 1578 1,564 32 — Antwerpen, Belgium Death: April 12, 1648 — `s Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands |
3 years half-sister |
Emilia Secunda Antwerpiana van Oranje Birth: December 9, 1581 1,567 35 — Antwerpen, Belgium Death: September 28, 1657 — Landsberg |
-6 years half-sister |
Luise Juliane van Oranje-Nassau Birth: March 31, 1576 1,562 30 — Delft, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands Death: March 15, 1644 — Königsberg, Ostpreußen, Germany |
Father’s family with Anna van Egmond |
father |
Willem de Zwijger van Oranje Birth: between 14 and April 24, 1533 0 0 — Dillenburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany Death: murdered — July 10, 1584 — Delft, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands |
step-mother |
Anna van Egmond Birth: 1533 Death: March 24, 1558 |
Marriage: 1551 — |
4 years half-brother |
Phillipp Wilhelm van Oranje Birth: December 19, 1554 1,540 21 Death: February 10, 1618 |
Father’s family with Anna von Sachsen |
father |
Willem de Zwijger van Oranje Birth: between 14 and April 24, 1533 0 0 — Dillenburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany Death: murdered — July 10, 1584 — Delft, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands |
step-mother |
Anna von Sachsen Birth: December 23, 1544 23 17 — Dresden, Sachsen, Germany Death: December 18, 1577 — Dresden, Sachsen, Germany |
Marriage: between August 24, 1561 and 1571 — |
2 years half-sister |
Anna van Oranje-Nassau Birth: November 5, 1563 1,549 18 — Breda, Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands Death: June 13, 1588 — Franeker, Friesland, The Netherlands |
6 years half-sister |
Emilia van Oranje Birth: 1569 1,555 24 Death: 1628 |
-13 years half-sister |
Maria von Nassau Birth: February 7, 1556 1,542 11 — Idstein (Taunus), Hessen, Germany Death: October 10, 1616 |
12 years half-brother |
Maurits van Oranje Birth: November 14, 1567 1,553 22 Death: April 23, 1625 |
Father’s family with Louise de Coligny |
father |
Willem de Zwijger van Oranje Birth: between 14 and April 24, 1533 0 0 — Dillenburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany Death: murdered — July 10, 1584 — Delft, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands |
step-mother |
Louise de Coligny Birth: 1555 35 34 Death: 1620 |
Marriage: April 12, 1583 — |
9 months half-brother |
Friderik Hendrik van Oranje Birth: January 19, 1584 1,570 29 — Delft, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands Death: March 14, 1647 — `s Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands |