Luise Juliane von SimmernAge: 45 years1594–1640
- Name
- Luise Juliane von Simmern
Luise Juliane von der Pfalz
- Name
- Luise Juliane von der Pfalz
- Type
- also known as
Family with parents |
father |
Friedrich IV. von der Pfalz Birth: March 5, 1574 34 35 — Amberg, Bayern, Germany Death: alcoholic — September 19, 1610 — Heidelberg, Baden, Germany |
mother |
Luise Juliane van Oranje-Nassau Birth: March 31, 1576 1,562 30 — Delft, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands Death: March 15, 1644 — Königsberg, Ostpreußen, Germany |
Marriage: June 23, 1583 — Dillenburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany |
11 years herself |
Luise Juliane von Simmern Birth: July 16, 1594 20 18 — Heidelberg, Baden, Germany Death: April 28, 1640 — Meisenheim, Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany |
16 months younger brother |
Georg Wilhelm von Brandenburg Birth: November 3, 1595 21 19 — Cölln an der Spree, Brandenburg, Germany Death: December 1, 1640 — Königsberg, Ostpreußen, Germany |
10 months younger brother |
Friedrich V. von der Pfalz Birth: August 26, 1596 22 20 — Deinschwang, Amberg, Ober-Pfalz, Germany Death: after failed negotiations with Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden — November 29, 1632 — Mainz, Germany |
15 months younger sister |
Elisabeth Charlotte von der Pfalz Birth: November 19, 1597 23 21 — Neumarkt, Oberpfalz, Germany Death: April 26, 1660 — Crossen an der Oder, Germany |
5 years younger brother |
Ludwig Philip on Simmern-Kaiserslautern Birth: November 23, 1602 28 26 — Heidelberg, Baden, Germany Death: January 6, 1655 — Crossen an der Oder, Germany |
Family with Johann II. von Zweibrücken |
husband |
Johann II. von Zweibrücken Birth: 1584 33 31 Death: 1632 |
herself |
Luise Juliane von Simmern Birth: July 16, 1594 20 18 — Heidelberg, Baden, Germany Death: April 28, 1640 — Meisenheim, Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany |
Marriage: May 4, 1612 — Heidelberg, Baden, Germany |
4 years daughter |
Katharina Charlotte von Zweibrücken Birth: 1615 31 20 Death: 1651 |
2 years son |
Friedrich von der Pfalz-Zweibrücken Birth: about 1616 32 21 Death: 1661 |
Johann II. von Zweibrücken + Catharine de Rohan |
husband |
Johann II. von Zweibrücken Birth: 1584 33 31 Death: 1632 |
husband’s wife |
Catharine de Rohan Birth: 1578 25 23 Death: 1607 |
Marriage: 1604 — |