
Wilhelm II. von Hessen-KasselAge: 70 years17771847

Wilhelm II. von Hessen-Kassel
Birth July 28, 1777 34 30
Leipzig, Marburg

Birth of a half-brotherFriedrich von Heimrod
August 9, 1777 (Age 12 days)
Kassel, Hessen, Germany
Latitude: N50.2 Longitude: E9.2833

Marriage of a parentWilhelm IX. von Hessen-KasselCharlotte Christine BuissineView this family
between 1775 and 1778

Death of a half-brotherFriedrich von Heimrod
October 30, 1777 (Age 3 months)

Birth of a half-brotherFriedrich von Heimrod
1778 (Age 5 months)
Marriage of a parentWilhelm IX. von Hessen-KasselRosa Dorothea RitterView this family
between 1779 and 1788 (Age 17 months)

Death of a paternal grandfatherFriedrich II. von Hessen-Kassel
October 31, 1785 (Age 8 years)
Kassel, Hessen, Germany
Latitude: N50.2 Longitude: E9.2833

Marriage of a parentWilhelm IX. von Hessen-KasselKaroline von SchlotheimView this family
1788 (Age 10 years)

MarriageAuguste von PreußenView this family
6 children
1797 (Age 19 years)

Birth of a son
Friedrich Wilhelm I. von Hessen-Kassel
August 20, 1802 (Age 25 years)
Death of a half-brotherWilhelm von Heimrod
January 6, 1811 (Age 33 years)
Napoli, Campania, Italy
Latitude: N40.8333 Longitude: E14.25

Death of a half-brotherFriedrich von Heimrod
September 3, 1813 (Age 36 years)
Death of a motherWilhelmine Karoline af Danmark
January 14, 1820 (Age 42 years)
Kassel, Hessen, Germany
Latitude: N50.2 Longitude: E9.2833

Death of a fatherWilhelm IX. von Hessen-Kassel
February 27, 1821 (Age 43 years)
Kassel, Hessen, Germany
Latitude: N50.2 Longitude: E9.2833

Kurfürst (elector)
1821 (Age 43 years)
Birth of a son
Wilhelm von Reichenbach-Lessonitz
June 29, 1824 (Age 46 years)
Kassel, Hessen, Germany
Latitude: N50.2 Longitude: E9.2833

Death of a half-brotherKarl von Heimrod
May 13, 1827 (Age 49 years)
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Latitude: N48.8667 Longitude: E2.3333

Marriage of a childFriedrich Wilhelm I. von Hessen-KasselGertrude FalkensteinView this family
August 1831 (Age 54 years)

Death of a sisterMarie Friederike von Hessen-Kassel
April 17, 1839 (Age 61 years)
Death of a wifeAuguste von Preußen
February 19, 1841 (Age 63 years)
Kassel, Kassel, Hessen, Germany
Latitude: N51.3167 Longitude: E9.5

MarriageEmilie OrtlöppView this family
after a long relationship
July 8, 1841 (Age 63 years)

Death of a wifeEmilie Ortlöpp
February 12, 1843 (Age 65 years)
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany
Latitude: N50.1167 Longitude: E8.6833

Death November 20, 1847 (Age 70 years)
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany
Latitude: N50.1167 Longitude: E8.6833

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 1, 1764Kopenhavn, Denmark
4 years
elder sister
9 years
-6 years
elder sister
Father’s family with Maîtresses-en-titres - View this family
Father’s family with Charlotte Christine Buissine - View this family
Marriage: between 1775 and 1778
-3 years
Wilhelm von Heimrod
Birth: or 1775July 16, 1772 29 23Rodheim von der Höhe, Hessen, Germany
Death: January 6, 1811Napoli, Campania, Italy
4 years
Karl von Heimrod
Birth: July 19, 1776 33 27Rodheim von der Höhe, Hessen, Germany
Death: May 13, 1827Paris, Île-de-France, France
13 months
Friedrich von Heimrod
Birth: August 9, 1777 34 28Kassel, Hessen, Germany
Death: short-livedOctober 30, 1777
17 months
Friedrich von Heimrod
Birth: 1778 34 28Hanau, Hessen-Kassel, Germany
Death: September 3, 1813Teplitz. Böhmen
Father’s family with Rosa Dorothea Ritter - View this family
Marriage: between 1779 and 1788
Father’s family with Karoline von Schlotheim - View this family
Marriage: 1788
Family with Auguste von Preußen - View this family
Marriage: 1797
6 years
Family with Emilie Ortlöpp - View this family
Marriage: July 8, 1841
-17 years