Catherine of BraganzaAge: 67 years1638–1705
- Name
- Catherine of Braganza
Birth | November 25, 1638 |
Emigration | between 1662 and 1669 (Age 23 years) |
Marriage | Charles II of England — View this family no live children. Dowry was seven islands of Bombay, later rented to the East Indai Company May 20, 1662 (Age 23 years) |
Death of a husband | Charles II of England February 6, 1685 (Age 46 years) |
Occupation | queen |
Death | December 31, 1705 (Age 67 years) |
Family with Charles II of England |
husband |
Charles II of England Birth: May 29, 1630 29 20 Death: February 6, 1685 |
herself |
Catherine of Braganza Birth: November 25, 1638 — Vila Viçosa, Alentejo, Portugal Death: December 31, 1705 — Bemposta Palace, Lisbon, Portugal |
Marriage: May 20, 1662 — |
Charles II of England + Barbara Villiers |
husband |
Charles II of England Birth: May 29, 1630 29 20 Death: February 6, 1685 |
husband’s wife |
Barbara Villiers Birth: November 27, 1640 26 27 Death: October 3, 1709 |
Marriage: 1660 — |