Ida van LeuvenAge: 46 years1116–1162
- Name
- Ida van Leuven
Ida von Niederlothringen; Ida de Basse-Lorraine
- Name
- Ida von Niederlothringen; Ida de Basse-Lorraine
- Type
- also known as
Birth | estimated as close to sibling(s) about 1116 53 38 |
Death of a mother | Ida de Cliny between 1117 and 1125 (Age 12 months) |
Death of a father | Godfried I. met den Baard van Leuven 1139 (Age 23 years) |
Death of a brother | Godfried II. de jonge van Leuven June 13, 1141 (Age 25 years) |
Death of a husband | Arnold I. van Kleef February 10, 1147 (Age 31 years) |
Death of a sister | Adela van Leuven April 23, 1151 (Age 35 years) |
Death | 1162 (Age 46 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Godfried I. met den Baard van Leuven Birth: about 1063 42 32 Death: 1139 |
mother |
Ida de Cliny Birth: estimated a gap of 25 years — about 1078 Death: between 1117 and 1125 |
Marriage: — |
elder brother |
Godfried II. de jonge van Leuven Birth: about 1110 47 32 Death: June 13, 1141 |
-6 years elder sister |
Adela van Leuven Birth: about 1103 40 25 — Louvain; Brabant Death: April 23, 1151 — Affligem, Belgium |
14 years herself |
Ida van Leuven Birth: estimated as close to sibling(s) — about 1116 53 38 Death: 1162 |
Father’s family with an unknown individual |
father |
Godfried I. met den Baard van Leuven Birth: about 1063 42 32 Death: 1139 |
half-sister |
Ida van Leuven Birth: est — about 1101 38 |
Father’s family with Clementia de Bourgogne |
father |
Godfried I. met den Baard van Leuven Birth: about 1063 42 32 Death: 1139 |
step-mother |
Clementia de Bourgogne Birth: about 1078 58 58 Death: about 1133 |
Marriage: — |
Father’s family with Jocelin n |
father |
Godfried I. met den Baard van Leuven Birth: about 1063 42 32 Death: 1139 |
step-mother |
Jocelin n Birth: estimated a gap of 25 years — about 1070 |
half-brother |
n van Leuven Birth: estimated as near an assumed sibling — about 1095 32 25 |
Family with Arnold I. van Kleef |
husband |
Arnold I. van Kleef Birth: some suggest that he was the son for DiederikIII, vK, *1072 — about 1100 53 Death: February 10, 1147 |
herself |
Ida van Leuven Birth: estimated as close to sibling(s) — about 1116 53 38 Death: 1162 |
Arnold I. van Kleef + Ida van Leuven |
husband |
Arnold I. van Kleef Birth: some suggest that he was the son for DiederikIII, vK, *1072 — about 1100 53 Death: February 10, 1147 |
half-sister |
Ida van Leuven Birth: est — about 1101 38 |
step-son |
Diederik IV. van Kleef Birth: estimated a gap of 25 years — about 1126 26 25 Death: 1091 |