Richenza von NortheimAge: 55 years1086–1141
- Name
- Richenza von Northeim
Richenza von Katlenburg; Richenza de Northeim
- Name
- Richenza von Katlenburg; Richenza de Northeim
- Type
- also known as
Richenza von Northeim
- Name
- Richenza von Northeim
Birth | estimated as prior to marriage by 25 years about 1075 20 15 |
Birth | between 1086 and 1087 31 26 |
Marriage of parents | Heinrich der Fette von Northeim — Gertrud die Jüngere von Braunschweig — View this family about 1086 |
Birth of a sister | Gertrud von Northeim about 1090 (Age 4 years) |
Marriage | Lothar III. von Süpplingenburg HRR — View this family 1100 (Age 14 years) |
Death of a father | Heinrich der Fette von Northeim before April 10, 1101 (Age 15 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Gertrud von Süpplingenburg April 18, 1115 (Age 29 years) |
Marriage of a child | Heinrich der Stolze — Gertrud von Süpplingenburg — View this family 1127 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a husband | Lothar III. von Süpplingenburg HRR December 3, 1137 (Age 51 years) |
Death | June 11, 1141 (Age 55 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Heinrich der Fette von Northeim Birth: about 1055 35 25 Death: drowned when fleeing ambush — before April 10, 1101 |
mother |
Gertrud die Jüngere von Braunschweig Birth: about 1060 38 53 |
Marriage: about 1086 — |
-10 years herself |
Richenza von Northeim Birth: between 1086 and 1087 31 26 Death: June 11, 1141 |
6 years younger sister |
Gertrud von Northeim Birth: about 1090 35 30 Death: before 1165 |
Mother’s family with Dietrich II. von Katlenburg |
step-father |
Dietrich II. von Katlenburg Birth: estimated as prior to a parent's death date — about 1050 23 23 Death: January 21, 1085 — Berka, Northeim, Niedersachsen, Germany |
mother |
Gertrud die Jüngere von Braunschweig Birth: about 1060 38 53 |
Marriage: — |
Family with Lothar III. von Süpplingenburg HRR |
husband |
Lothar III. von Süpplingenburg HRR Birth: June 1075 18 17 — Celle, Braunschweig, Germany Death: December 3, 1137 — Breitenwang, Tirol, Austria |
herself |
Richenza von Northeim Birth: between 1086 and 1087 31 26 Death: June 11, 1141 |
Marriage: 1100 — |
15 years daughter |
Gertrud von Süpplingenburg Birth: April 18, 1115 39 29 Death: April 18, 1143 |