Friedrich Wilhelm von BrandenburgAge: 68 years1620–1688
- Name
- Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg
Family with parents |
father |
Georg Wilhelm von Brandenburg Birth: November 3, 1595 21 19 — Cölln an der Spree, Brandenburg, Germany Death: December 1, 1640 — Königsberg, Ostpreußen, Germany |
mother |
Elisabeth Charlotte von der Pfalz Birth: November 19, 1597 23 21 — Neumarkt, Oberpfalz, Germany Death: April 26, 1660 — Crossen an der Oder, Germany |
Marriage: July 24, 1616 — Heidelberg, Baden, Germany |
7 years younger sister |
Hedwig Sophie von Brandenburg Birth: July 14, 1623 27 25 — Berlin, Berlin, Germany Death: June 26, 1683 — Schmalkalden, Thüringen, Germany |
-3 years himself |
Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg Birth: February 16, 1620 24 22 — Cölln an der Spree, Brandenburg, Germany Death: May 9, 1688 — Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany |
Family with Luise Henriette van Oranje |
himself |
Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg Birth: February 16, 1620 24 22 — Cölln an der Spree, Brandenburg, Germany Death: May 9, 1688 — Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany |
wife |
Luise Henriette van Oranje Birth: December 7, 1627 43 25 — 's Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands Death: June 18, 1667 — Cölln an der Spree, Brandenburg, Germany |
Marriage: December 7, 1646 — 's Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands |
11 years son |
Friedrich I. von Preußen Birth: July 11, 1657 37 29 — Königsberg, Ostpreußen, Germany Death: February 25, 1713 — Berlin, Berlin, Germany |
Family with Dorothea Sophie von Braunschweig-Lüneburg |
himself |
Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg Birth: February 16, 1620 24 22 — Cölln an der Spree, Brandenburg, Germany Death: May 9, 1688 — Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany |
wife |
Dorothea Sophie von Braunschweig-Lüneburg Birth: October 9, 1636 52 35 — Glücksburg, Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Death: August 6, 1689 — Karlsbad |