Sophie von SalmAge: 56 years1120–1176
- Name
- Sophie von Salm
Sophie de Rheineck
- Name
- Sophie de Rheineck
- Type
- also known as
Birth | estimated as close to sibling(s) about 1117 37 27 |
Birth | 1120 40 30 |
Marriage | Dirk VI. van Holland — View this family 7 children before 1137 (Age 17 years) |
Marriage | Albrecht I. der Bär von Brandenburg — View this family uncertain, confused with Sophie von Winzenburg *1105 yes |
Birth of a son #1 | Floris III. van Holland about 1138 (Age 18 years) |
Death of a father | Otto I. von Salm 1150 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a husband | Dirk VI. van Holland August 5, 1157 (Age 37 years) |
Death of a husband | Dirk VI. van Holland August 6, 1157 (Age 37 years) |
Marriage of a child | Floris III. van Holland — Adelheid von Huntingdon — View this family between 1161 and 1162 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a mother | Gertrud von Northeim before 1165 (Age 45 years) |
Death of a husband | Albrecht I. der Bär von Brandenburg November 18, 1170 (Age 50 years) |
Occupation | inheritor |
Death | September 26, 1176 (Age 56 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Otto I. von Salm Birth: about 1080 30 30 Death: 1150 |
mother |
Gertrud von Northeim Birth: about 1090 35 30 Death: before 1165 |
Marriage: 1115 — |
Marriage: about 1115 — |
3 years herself |
Sophie von Salm Birth: 1120 40 30 Death: September 26, 1176 — Jerusalem |
Mother’s family with Siegfried von Ballenstedt |
step-father |
Siegfried von Ballenstedt Birth: 1075 47 20 Death: March 9, 1113 — Quedlinburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany |
mother |
Gertrud von Northeim Birth: about 1090 35 30 Death: before 1165 |
Family with Dirk VI. van Holland |
husband |
Dirk VI. van Holland Birth: 1114 34 32 — `s Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands Death: August 5, 1157 |
herself |
Sophie von Salm Birth: 1120 40 30 Death: September 26, 1176 — Jerusalem |
Marriage: before 1137 — |
2 years son |
Floris III. van Holland Birth: about 1138 24 18 Death: August 1, 1190 — Antiochia |
Family with Albrecht I. der Bär von Brandenburg |
husband |
Albrecht I. der Bär von Brandenburg Birth: about 1100 28 18 Death: November 18, 1170 — Stendal, Sachsen-Aanhalt, Germany |
herself |
Sophie von Salm Birth: 1120 40 30 Death: September 26, 1176 — Jerusalem |
Marriage: — |
Albrecht I. der Bär von Brandenburg + Sophie von Winzenburg |
husband |
Albrecht I. der Bär von Brandenburg Birth: about 1100 28 18 Death: November 18, 1170 — Stendal, Sachsen-Aanhalt, Germany |
husband’s wife |
Sophie von Winzenburg Birth: about 1105 22 22 Death: March 25, 1160 |
Marriage: 1126 — |
Otto I. von Brandenburg Birth: about 1125 25 20 Death: July 8, 1184 |
1 year step-daughter |
Hedwig von Brandenburg Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1125 25 20 Death: 1203 |
16 years step-son |
Bernhard III. von Sachsen Birth: 1140 40 35 — Bernburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany Death: February 9, 1212 |
-1 years step-daughter |
Gertrud von Brandenburg Birth: estimated as close to sibling(s) — 1138 38 33 Death: after 1158 — Rome, Italy |