Sophie von BayernAge: 68 years1170–1238
- Name
- Sophie von Bayern
Family with parents |
father |
Otto I. der Rotkopf von Bayern Birth: 1117 130 — Kelheim, Bayern, Germany Death: July 11, 1183 — Pfullendorf, Sigmaringen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany |
mother |
Agnes von Loon Birth: estimated a gap of 25 years — about 1144 25 |
Marriage: — |
younger brother |
Ludwig I. von Bayern Birth: December 23, 1173 56 29 — Kehlheim Death: murdered — September 15, 1231 — Kehlheim |
3 years younger sister |
Heilica von Bayern Birth: name uncertain — 1176 59 32 |
-5 years herself |
Sophie von Bayern Birth: about 1170 53 26 Death: July 10, 1238 |
-1 years elder sister |
Ricarda von Bayern Birth: estimated as close to sibling(s) — about 1168 51 24 |
Family with Hermann I. von Thüringen |
husband |
Hermann I. von Thüringen Birth: 1155 27 22 — Wartburg, Eisenach, Thüringen, Germany Death: April 25, 1217 — Friedenstein, Gotha, Thüringen, Germany |
herself |
Sophie von Bayern Birth: about 1170 53 26 Death: July 10, 1238 |
Marriage: about 1196 — |
5 years son |
Ludwig IV. von Thüringen Birth: October 28, 1200 45 30 — Creuzburg, Wartburgkreis, Thüringen, Germany Death: on the way to Jerusalem on the crusade — September 11, 1227 — Otranto, Leece, Apulia, Italy |
5 years daughter |
Agnes von Thüringen Birth: 1205 50 35 Death: 1246 |
Hermann I. von Thüringen + Sophia von Sommerschenburg |
husband |
Hermann I. von Thüringen Birth: 1155 27 22 — Wartburg, Eisenach, Thüringen, Germany Death: April 25, 1217 — Friedenstein, Gotha, Thüringen, Germany |
husband’s wife |
Sophia von Sommerschenburg Birth: estimated as near siblings(s) and their gap of about 25 years — about 1134 Death: 1189 |
Marriage: 1182 — Thüringen, Germany; |
Marriage: 1182 — |
3 years step-daughter |
Jutta von Thüringen Birth: 1184 29 50 Death: 1235 |
3 years step-daughter |
Hedwig von Thüringen Birth: estimated as close to sibling(s) — about 1186 31 52 Death: 1247 |