Bertha von TübingenAge: 32 years1137–1169
- Name
- Bertha von Tübingen
Birth | estimated as prior to marriage by 25 years about 1137 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Gertrud von Baden about 1160 (Age 23 years) |
Marriage | Hermann IV von Baden — View this family 7 children before 1162 (Age 25 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Hermann V. von Baden about 1163 (Age 26 years) |
Death | February 24, 1169 (Age 32 years) |
Family with Hermann IV von Baden |
husband |
Hermann IV von Baden Birth: about 1135 30 19 Death: in battle — 1190 — Antiochia |
herself |
Bertha von Tübingen Birth: estimated as prior to marriage by 25 years — about 1137 Death: February 24, 1169 |
Marriage: before 1162 — |
2 years son |
Hermann V. von Baden Birth: estimated as after parents' marriage — about 1163 28 26 Death: January 16, 1243 |
-2 years daughter |
Gertrud von Baden Birth: about 1160 25 23 Death: before 1225 |