Elisabeth de LuxembourgAge: 33 years1409–1442
- Name
- Elisabeth de Luxembourg
Elisabeth von Böhmen und Ungarn; Elisabeth von Luxemburg
- Name
- Elisabeth von Böhmen und Ungarn; Elisabeth von Luxemburg
- Type
- also known as
Birth | February 28, 1409 41 19 |
Marriage | Albrecht II. von Österreich — View this family 1421 (Age 11 years) |
Death of a father | Sigismund de Luxembourg December 9, 1437 (Age 28 years) |
Death of a husband | Albrecht II. von Österreich 1439 (Age 29 years) |
Death | December 19, 1442 (Age 33 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Sigismund de Luxembourg Birth: February 15, 1368 51 23 — Nürnberg, Franken, Bayern, Germany Death: December 9, 1437 — Znaim, Mähren |
mother |
Barbara von Cilli Birth: about 1390 Death: Pest (plague) — July 11, 1451 — Mělník |
Marriage: 1405 — |
4 years herself |
Elisabeth de Luxembourg Birth: February 28, 1409 41 19 — Prag, Böhmen, Austria Death: December 19, 1442 — Győr |
Father’s family with Maria von Ungarn |
father |
Sigismund de Luxembourg Birth: February 15, 1368 51 23 — Nürnberg, Franken, Bayern, Germany Death: December 9, 1437 — Znaim, Mähren |
step-mother |
Maria von Ungarn Birth: between 1370 and 1371 — Ofen Death: May 17, 1395 |
Marriage: 1387 — |
Family with Albrecht II. von Österreich |
husband |
Albrecht II. von Österreich Birth: 1397 19 Death: 1439 |
herself |
Elisabeth de Luxembourg Birth: February 28, 1409 41 19 — Prag, Böhmen, Austria Death: December 19, 1442 — Győr |
Marriage: 1421 — |