Katharina von GörzAge: 50 years1341–1391
- Name
- Katharina von Görz
Birth | estimated as equal to husband's birth year about 1341 |
Marriage | Johann II. von Bayern — View this family 4 daughters and 2 sons from two marriages yes |
Birth of a son #1 | Wilhelm III. von Bayern-München 1375 (Age 34 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Sophie Euphemia von Bayern 1376 (Age 35 years) |
Birth of a brother | Johann Meinhard VII. von Görz-und-Kirchberg between 1378 and 1380 (Age 37 years) |
Birth of a brother | Johann Meinhard VII. von Görz-und-Kirchberg between 1378 and 1380 (Age 37 years) |
Death of a father | Meinhards VI. von Görz after March 6, 1385 (Age 44 years) |
Marriage of a child | Wenzel IV. von Böhmen — Sophie Euphemia von Bayern — View this family May 3, 1389 (Age 48 years) |
Death | 1391 (Age 50 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Meinhards VI. von Görz Birth: estimated a gap of 25 years — about 1314 Death: after March 6, 1385 |
Marriage: — |
herself |
Katharina von Görz Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1341 Death: 1391 |
40 years younger brother |
Johann Meinhard VII. von Görz-und-Kirchberg Birth: between 1378 and 1380 Death: May 22, 1430 |
Family with parents |
herself |
Katharina von Görz Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1341 Death: 1391 |
40 years younger brother |
Johann Meinhard VII. von Görz-und-Kirchberg Birth: between 1378 and 1380 Death: May 22, 1430 |
Family with Johann II. von Bayern |
husband |
Johann II. von Bayern Birth: 1341 22 31 Death: June 1397 |
herself |
Katharina von Görz Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1341 Death: 1391 |
Marriage: — |
son |
Wilhelm III. von Bayern-München Birth: 1375 34 34 — München, Bayern, Germany Death: September 13, 1435 — München, Bayern, Germany |
2 years daughter |
Sophie Euphemia von Bayern Birth: 1376 35 35 Death: 1428 — Preßburg |