Johanna PlantagenetAge: 41 years1321–1362
- Name
- Johanna Plantagenet
Birth | July 5, 1321 37 29 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Philippe IV. le Bel de France November 29, 1324 (Age 3 years) |
Death of a father | Edward II. of England September 21, 1327 (Age 6 years) |
Marriage | David II. of Scotland — View this family no children 1328 (Age 6 years) |
Death of a mother | Isabella de France August 23, 1358 (Age 37 years) |
Death of a mother | Isabella de France November 21, 1358 (Age 37 years) |
Death | September 7, 1362 (Age 41 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Edward II. of England Birth: April 25, 1284 44 43 — Caernarvon, Wales Death: deposed by his wife — September 21, 1327 — Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England |
mother |
Isabella de France Birth: 1292 18 — Paris, Île-de-France, France Death: or Aug 1358 — November 21, 1358 |
Marriage: 1308 — |
5 years elder brother |
Edward III. of England Birth: November 13, 1312 28 20 Death: June 21, 1377 |
9 years herself |
Johanna Plantagenet Birth: July 5, 1321 37 29 Death: September 7, 1362 |
Mother’s family with Roger Mortimer |
step-father |
Roger Mortimer Birth: April 25, 1287 Death: hung — November 29, 1330 |
mother |
Isabella de France Birth: 1292 18 — Paris, Île-de-France, France Death: or Aug 1358 — November 21, 1358 |
Marriage: — |
Family with David II. of Scotland |
husband |
David II. of Scotland Birth: March 5, 1324 — Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland Death: February 22, 1371 — Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland |
herself |
Johanna Plantagenet Birth: July 5, 1321 37 29 Death: September 7, 1362 |
Marriage: 1328 — |