Charlotte von Mecklenburg-StrelitzAge: 74 years1744–1818
- Name
- Charlotte von Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Sophie Charlotte zu Mecklenburg-Strelitz
- Name
- Sophie Charlotte zu Mecklenburg-Strelitz
- Type
- also known as
Family with parents |
father |
Karl Louis Frederick von Mecklenburg Birth: February 23, 1708 — Strelitz, Mecklenburg, Germany Death: June 4, 1752 — Mirow, Mecklenburg, Germany |
mother |
Elisabeth Albertine von Sachsen-Hildburghausen Birth: August 3, 1713 31 30 — Hildburghausen, Thüringen, Germany Death: June 29, 1761 — Neustrelitz, Mecklenburg, Germany |
Marriage: February 5, 1735 — Eisfeld, Hildburghausen, Thüringen, Germany |
Marriage: February 5, 1735 — |
9 years herself |
Charlotte von Mecklenburg-Strelitz Birth: May 19, 1744 36 30 — Mirow Death: November 17, 1818 — London, England, UK |
-3 years elder brother |
Karl II. von Mecklenburg-Strelitz Birth: October 10, 1741 33 28 Death: November 6, 1816 |
Family with George III. of of Great-Britain |
husband |
George III. of of Great-Britain Birth: June 4, 1738 32 18 — Westminster, London, England, UK Death: became insane around 1811 — January 28, 1820 — Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England, UK |
herself |
Charlotte von Mecklenburg-Strelitz Birth: May 19, 1744 36 30 — Mirow Death: November 17, 1818 — London, England, UK |
Marriage: September 8, 1761 — London, England, UK |
11 months son |
George IV. of of Great-Britain Birth: August 12, 1762 24 18 Death: June 26, 1830 |
4 years daughter |
Charlotte Auguste Mathilde of Great-Britain Birth: 1766 27 21 Death: 1828 |
-2 years son |
Frederick Augustus of York Birth: August 16, 1763 25 19 — London, England, UK Death: edema — January 5, 1827 — London, England, UK |
2 years son |
William IV. of Great-Britain Birth: August 21, 1765 27 21 — London, England, UK Death: June 20, 1837 |
2 years son |
Edward of Kent Birth: November 2, 1767 29 23 Death: January 23, 1820 |
4 years son |
Ernst August von Hannover Birth: 1771 32 26 — London, England, UK Death: November 18, 1851 — Herrenhausen, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany |
2 years son |
Augustus Frederick of Sussex Birth: January 27, 1773 34 28 — London, England, UK Death: April 21, 1843 |
13 months son |
Adolphus Frederick of Cambridge Birth: February 24, 1774 35 29 Death: July 8, 1850 |