Johanna von BayernAge: 24 years1362–1386
- Name
- Johanna von Bayern
Birth | 1362 25 20 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Agnes van Glogau 1362 |
Birth of a sister | Margaret von Bayern 1363 (Age 12 months) |
Birth of a brother | Willem VI. van Holland April 5, 1365 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a brother | Albert II. von Bayern-Straubing 1369 (Age 7 years) |
Emigration | via Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Mons, Köln, Bingen, Franfurt, Miltenberg, Würzburg. Neustadt, Nü\urnberg 1370 (Age 8 years) |
Marriage | Wenzel IV. von Böhmen — View this family arranged marriage, consummated 1376, no children 1370 (Age 8 years) |
Birth of a sister | Johanna Sophia von Bayern about 1373 (Age 11 years) |
Death of a mother | Margaret von Brieg February 18, 1386 (Age 24 years) |
Death | dog attack December 31, 1386 (Age 24 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Albrecht I. von Bayern Birth: July 25, 1336 54 25 — München, Bayern, Germany Death: December 16, 1404 — 's Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands |
mother |
Margaret von Brieg Birth: also given as 1336 — between 1342 and 1343 21 21 — Schlesien, Germany Death: February 18, 1386 |
Marriage: July 28, 1353 — Passau, Bavaria |
9 years herself |
Johanna von Bayern Birth: 1362 25 20 — 's Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands Death: dog attack — December 31, 1386 — Prag, Böhmen, Austria |
Katharina von Bayern Birth: about 1361 24 19 Death: 1440 |
3 years younger sister |
Margaret von Bayern Birth: 1363 26 21 Death: January 23, 1423 — Dijion |
2 years younger brother |
Willem VI. van Holland Birth: April 5, 1365 28 23 — 's Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands Death: May 31, 1417 — Bouchain, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France |
5 years younger brother |
Albert II. von Bayern-Straubing Birth: 1369 32 27 Death: January 21, 1397 — Kelheim |
5 years younger sister |
Johanna Sophia von Bayern Birth: about 1373 36 31 Death: November 15, 1410 — Wien, Austria |
Father’s family with Margaret van Kleef |
father |
Albrecht I. von Bayern Birth: July 25, 1336 54 25 — München, Bayern, Germany Death: December 16, 1404 — 's Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands |
step-mother |
Margaret van Kleef Birth: 1375 Death: 1412 |
Marriage: April 5, 1394 — |
Father’s family with Maria van Bronckhorst |
father |
Albrecht I. von Bayern Birth: July 25, 1336 54 25 — München, Bayern, Germany Death: December 16, 1404 — 's Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands |
step-mother |
Maria van Bronckhorst Birth: estimated as close to sibling(s) — about 1364 39 44 |
Family with Wenzel IV. von Böhmen |
husband |
Wenzel IV. von Böhmen Birth: 1361 44 27 Death: 1419 |
herself |
Johanna von Bayern Birth: 1362 25 20 — 's Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands Death: dog attack — December 31, 1386 — Prag, Böhmen, Austria |
Marriage: 1370 — |
Wenzel IV. von Böhmen + Sophie Euphemia von Bayern |
husband |
Wenzel IV. von Böhmen Birth: 1361 44 27 Death: 1419 |
husband’s wife |
Sophie Euphemia von Bayern Birth: 1376 35 35 Death: 1428 — Preßburg |
Marriage: May 3, 1389 — Prag, Böhmen, Austria |