Henriette di SavoiaAge: 40 years1636–1676
- Name
- Henriette di Savoia
Birth | 1636 48 25 |
Marriage | Ferdinand-Marie von Bayern — View this family 8 children 1652 (Age 16 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Maria Anne von Bayern November 28, 1660 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Maximilien II. von Bayern 1662 (Age 26 years) |
Death of a father | Victor-Amédée I. di Savoia October 7, 1673 (Age 37 years) |
Death of a brother | Carlo Emanuele II. di Savoia June 12, 1675 (Age 39 years) |
Death | 1676 (Age 40 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Victor-Amédée I. di Savoia Birth: May 8, 1587 25 19 Death: October 7, 1673 |
mother |
Christine de France Birth: estimated a gap of 25 years — about 1611 |
herself |
Henriette di Savoia Birth: 1636 48 25 Death: 1676 |
-18 months elder brother |
Carlo Emanuele II. di Savoia Birth: June 20, 1634 47 23 Death: June 12, 1675 — Torino, Piemonte, Italy |
Family with Ferdinand-Marie von Bayern |
husband |
Ferdinand-Marie von Bayern Birth: October 31, 1636 93 25 — München, Bayern, Germany Death: May 26, 1679 — Schleißheim |
herself |
Henriette di Savoia Birth: 1636 48 25 Death: 1676 |
Marriage: 1652 — |
11 years son |
Maximilien II. von Bayern Birth: 1662 25 26 Death: 1726 |
-13 months daughter |
Maria Anne von Bayern Birth: November 28, 1660 24 24 — München, Bayern, Germany Death: April 20, 1690 — Versailles, Yvelines, Île-de-France, France |