Marie-Louise-Gabrielle de SavoieAge: 25 years1688–1714
- Name
- Marie-Louise-Gabrielle de Savoie
Maria Luisa de Savoy; María Luisa de Saboya
- Name
- Maria Luisa de Savoy; María Luisa de Saboya
- Type
- also known as
Maria Luisa de Savoie
- Name
- Maria Luisa de Savoie
Birth | September 17, 1688 22 19 |
Birth | 1698 31 29 |
Marriage | Felipe V. de España — View this family 4 sons yes |
Birth of a brother | Carlo Emanuele III. de Savoie April 27, 1701 (Age 12 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Philippe d'Orléans June 9, 1701 (Age 12 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Luis I. de España August 25, 1707 (Age 18 years) |
Occupation | queen, duchess, countess |
Death | February 14, 1714 (Age 25 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Victor-Amédée II. de Savoie Birth: May 14, 1666 — Torino, Piemonte, Italy Death: October 31, 1732 |
mother |
Anne-Marie d'Orléans Birth: 1669 28 24 Death: 1728 |
Marriage: May 6, 1684 — |
4 years herself |
Marie-Louise-Gabrielle de Savoie Birth: September 17, 1688 22 19 — Torino, Piemonte, Italy Death: February 14, 1714 — Madrid, Madrid, Spain |
13 years younger brother |
Carlo Emanuele III. de Savoie Birth: April 27, 1701 34 32 — Torino, Piemonte, Italy Death: 1773 — Torino, Piemonte, Italy |
Family with Felipe V. de España |
husband |
Felipe V. de España Birth: 1683 22 22 Death: July 9, 1746 — Madrid, Madrid, Spain |
herself |
Marie-Louise-Gabrielle de Savoie Birth: September 17, 1688 22 19 — Torino, Piemonte, Italy Death: February 14, 1714 — Madrid, Madrid, Spain |
Marriage: — |
son |
Luis I. de España Birth: August 25, 1707 24 18 Death: August 31, 1724 |
Felipe V. de España + Isabel de Farnesio |
husband |
Felipe V. de España Birth: 1683 22 22 Death: July 9, 1746 — Madrid, Madrid, Spain |
husband’s wife |
Isabel de Farnesio Birth: October 25, 1692 26 22 Death: July 11, 1766 |
Marriage: December 24, 1714 — |
2 years step-son |
Carlos III. de España Birth: 1716 33 23 Death: 1788 |