Maria Elizabet WiederholdAge: 51 years1773–1824
- Name
- Maria Elizabet Wiederhold
Maria Elizabet Wiederholt; Maria Elizabet Widerholt
- Name
- Maria Elizabet Wiederholt; Maria Elizabet Widerholt
- Type
- also known as
Marriage | Hendrik Willems — View this family ondertrouw (marriage bans) April 21, 1769 (Age ) |
Birth | February 14, 1773 36 36 |
Birth of a sister | Adriaantje Wiederhold 1775 (Age 22 months) |
Birth of a brother | Nicolaas Wiederhold 1780 (Age 6 years) |
Death of a father | Wilhelm Johannes Wiederhold about 1788 (Age 14 years) |
Birth of a brother | Nicolaas Wiederhold November 16, 1792 (Age 19 years) |
Death of a mother | Maria Elisabeth Himmelreich after 1798 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Hendrik Willems March 10, 1810 (Age 37 years) |
Death | November 11, 1824 (Age 51 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Wilhelm Johannes Wiederhold Birth: assigned as best match by name, date, and place - father moved at that time, DoB computed by Gio; Tienkamp had abt 1746 — 1737 39 29 — Wolfhagen, Kassel, Hessen, Germany Death: about 1788 — The Netherlands; |
mother |
Maria Elisabeth Himmelreich Birth: about 1737 — Wolfhagen, Kassel, Hessen, Germany Death: check date — after 1798 — Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands |
herself |
Maria Elizabet Wiederhold Birth: February 14, 1773 36 36 — Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands Death: November 11, 1824 |
8 years younger brother |
Nicolaas Wiederhold Birth: In Geneanet Tienenkamp he is also mismatched to Nikolaus Christiaan Wiederhold, *1783 — 1780 43 43 — Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands |
-4 years younger sister |
Adriaantje Wiederhold Birth: 1775 38 38 — Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands |
Father’s family with Cornelia de Planke |
father |
Wilhelm Johannes Wiederhold Birth: assigned as best match by name, date, and place - father moved at that time, DoB computed by Gio; Tienkamp had abt 1746 — 1737 39 29 — Wolfhagen, Kassel, Hessen, Germany Death: about 1788 — The Netherlands; |
step-mother |
Cornelia de Planke Birth: uncertain match, DoB estimated as a 25 year gap — 1738 |
half-brother |
Johannes Wiederhold Birth: uncertain match — October 14, 1763 26 25 — Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands |
2 years half-brother |
Weijnand Henderik Wiederhold Birth: uncertain match, DoB estimated as near assumed sibling(s) — about 1765 28 27 |
Family with Hendrik Willems |
husband |
Hendrik Willems Birth: 1773 Death: 1850 |
herself |
Maria Elizabet Wiederhold Birth: February 14, 1773 36 36 — Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands Death: November 11, 1824 |
Marriage: April 21, 1769 — Amsterdam |
41 years son |
Hendrik Willems Birth: March 10, 1810 37 37 — Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands |