
Camilo Enrique Castro Pérez de Arce1854

Camilo Enrique Castro Pérez de Arce
Birth 1854

MarriageElena RotterView this family
2 children
about 1878 (Age 24 years)
Puerto Montt, Los Lagos, Chile
Latitude: S41.4717 Longitude: W72.937

Death of a wifeElena Rotter
September 7, 1887 (Age 33 years)
Puerto Montt, Los Lagos, Chile
Latitude: S41.4717 Longitude: W72.937

MarriageGuillermina StoewhasView this family
August 7, 1891 (Age 37 years)
Puerto Montt, Los Lagos, Chile
Latitude: S41.4717 Longitude: W72.937

Death of a wifeGuillermina Stoewhas
April 28, 1905 (Age 51 years)