Elisabeth von UngarnAge: 24 years1207–1231
- Name
- Elisabeth von Ungarn
Elisabeth von Thüringen
- Name
- Elisabeth von Thüringen
- Type
- also known as
Birth | July 7, 1207 31 25 |
Birth | 1207 31 25 |
Education | sanctified |
Emigration | Pressburg is now Bratislavsky, Slovakia yes |
Death of a mother | Gertrud von Meran-Andechs September 8, 1213 (Age 6 years) |
Death of a mother | Gertrud von Meran-Andechs 1213 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a half-sister | Yolanda von Ungarn 1219 (Age 11 years) |
Marriage | Ludwig IV. von Thüringen — View this family 1 son and 2 daughters 1221 (Age 13 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Hermann II. von Thüringen March 28, 1222 (Age 14 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Sophie von Thüringen March 20, 1224 (Age 16 years) |
Death of a husband | Ludwig IV. von Thüringen September 11, 1227 (Age 20 years) |
Death | November 17, 1231 (Age 24 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Andreas II. von Ungarn Birth: 1176 28 23 Death: September 21, 1235 — Ofen, Budapest, Humgary |
mother |
Gertrud von Meran-Andechs Birth: estimated as close to sibling(s) — about 1182 28 30 Death: murdered — September 8, 1213 |
elder brother |
Béla IV. von Ungarn Birth: 1206 30 24 Death: 1270 |
18 months herself |
Elisabeth von Ungarn Birth: July 7, 1207 31 25 — Preßburg, Slovakia Death: November 17, 1231 — Marburg an der Lahn, Hessen, Germany |
Father’s family with Yolande de Courtenay |
father |
Andreas II. von Ungarn Birth: 1176 28 23 Death: September 21, 1235 — Ofen, Budapest, Humgary |
step-mother |
Yolande de Courtenay Birth: about 1200 85 29 — Courtenay, Loiret, Centre, France Death: 1233 |
half-sister |
Yolanda von Ungarn Birth: 1219 43 19 Death: October 9, 1251 — Huesca, Aragon, Spain |
Father’s family with Beatrix d' Este |
father |
Andreas II. von Ungarn Birth: 1176 28 23 Death: September 21, 1235 — Ofen, Budapest, Humgary |
step-mother |
Beatrix d' Este Birth: 1215 35 Death: 1245 — Gemola, Baone, Padua, Veneto, Italy |
half-brother |
Stafan von Ungarn Birth: posthumous birth, town became part of Hessen — 1236 60 21 — Wehrda. Thüringen, Germany Death: April 10, 1271 — Venice, Venezia, Veneto, Italy |
Family with Ludwig IV. von Thüringen |
husband |
Ludwig IV. von Thüringen Birth: October 28, 1200 45 30 — Creuzburg, Wartburgkreis, Thüringen, Germany Death: on the way to Jerusalem on the crusade — September 11, 1227 — Otranto, Leece, Apulia, Italy |
herself |
Elisabeth von Ungarn Birth: July 7, 1207 31 25 — Preßburg, Slovakia Death: November 17, 1231 — Marburg an der Lahn, Hessen, Germany |
Marriage: 1221 — |
3 years daughter |
Sophie von Thüringen Birth: March 20, 1224 23 16 Death: May 29, 1275 — Villers-la-Ville, Brabant, France |
-2 years son |
Hermann II. von Thüringen Birth: March 28, 1222 21 14 — Creuzburg Death: January 3, 1241 — Creuzburg |