Philippe I. de FranceAge: 56 years1052–1108
- Name
- Philippe I. de France
Birth | May 23, 1052 44 28 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Jaroslaw I. Wladimirowitsch February 20, 1054 (Age 20 months) |
Birth of a brother | Hugues I. le Grand de Vermandois 1057 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a father | Henri I. de France August 4, 1060 (Age 8 years) |
Marriage | Bertha van Holland — View this family marriage arranged by stepfather to seal peace. 5 children between 1073 and 1092 (Age 20 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Constance de France about 1078 (Age 25 years) |
Death of a mother | Anne von Kiew between 1075 and 1079 (Age 22 years) |
Death of a mother | Anne von Kiew between September 5, 1075 and 1079 (Age 23 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Louis VI. le Gros de France December 1, 1081 (Age 29 years) |
Marriage | Bertrade de Montfort — View this family kidnapped, 3 or 4 children 1092 (Age 39 years) |
Marriage of a child | Hugues I. de Champagne — Constance de France — View this family between 1094 and 1105 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a wife | Bertha van Holland 1094 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a brother | Hugues I. le Grand de Vermandois October 18, 1101 (Age 49 years) |
Occupation | king between 1059 and 1108 (Age 6 years) |
Death | July 29, 1108 (Age 56 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Henri I. de France Birth: May 4, 1008 36 22 Death: August 4, 1060 — Vitry-aux-Loges |
mother |
Anne von Kiew Birth: between 1024 and 1032 45 20 — Kiev, Ukraine Death: between September 5, 1075 and 1079 |
Marriage: May 19, 1051 — |
7 years younger brother |
Hugues I. le Grand de Vermandois Birth: 1057 48 33 Death: October 18, 1101 |
-5 years himself |
Philippe I. de France Birth: May 23, 1052 44 28 Death: July 29, 1108 — Melun |
Father’s family with Mathilde van Friesland |
father |
Henri I. de France Birth: May 4, 1008 36 22 Death: August 4, 1060 — Vitry-aux-Loges |
step-mother |
Mathilde van Friesland Birth: between 1025 and 1026 22 15 Death: 1044 |
Marriage: between 1033 and 1034 — |
Family with Bertha van Holland |
himself |
Philippe I. de France Birth: May 23, 1052 44 28 Death: July 29, 1108 — Melun |
wife |
Bertha van Holland Birth: about 1058 33 30 Death: sent to a nunnery because she became too fat — 1094 — Montreuil-sur-Mer |
Marriage: between 1073 and 1092 — |
6 years daughter |
Constance de France Birth: about 1078 Death: September 14, 1126 |
4 years son |
Louis VI. le Gros de France Birth: December 1, 1081 — Paris, Île-de-France, France Death: August 1, 1137 — Béthisy-Saint-Pierre |
Family with Bertrade de Montfort |
himself |
Philippe I. de France Birth: May 23, 1052 44 28 Death: July 29, 1108 — Melun |
wife |
Bertrade de Montfort Birth: about 1070 25 25 Death: February 14, 1117 |
Marriage: 1092 — |
Foulques IV. le Réchin d'Anjou + Bertrade de Montfort |
wife’s husband |
Foulques IV. le Réchin d'Anjou Birth: 1043 29 24 — Château-Landon Death: April 14, 1109 — Angers, Maine-et-Loire, Anjou, France |
wife |
Bertrade de Montfort Birth: about 1070 25 25 Death: February 14, 1117 |
Marriage: between 1089 and 1092 — |
Marriage: — |
2 years step-son |
Foulques V. le jeune d'Anjou Birth: 1092 49 22 Death: between 10 and December 13, 1143 — Acre, Palestine |