Iweinge de kale van AalstAge: 38 years1107–1145
- Name
- Iweinge de kale van Aalst
Ivan d'Alost
- Name
- Ivan d'Alost
- Type
- also known as
Ivan van aalst
- Name
- Ivan van aalst
Birth | estimated as inline with profession (Occu. in FTW) about 1102 |
Birth | estimated as inline with profession (Occu. in FTW) and parents about 1107 |
Marriage | Laureta van Vlaanderen — View this family 1 son yes |
Occupation | heer (lord) 1127 (Age 20 years) |
Occupation | seigneur (lord) |
Location | between 1117 and 1145 (Age 10 years) |
Death | murdered August 8, 1145 (Age 38 years) |
Family with Laureta van Vlaanderen |
himself |
Iweinge de kale van Aalst Birth: estimated as inline with profession (Occu. in FTW) and parents — about 1107 Death: murdered — August 8, 1145 |
wife |
Laureta van Vlaanderen Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1102 2 Death: 1175 |
Marriage: — |
Henri IV. l'Aveugle de Luxembourg + Laureta van Vlaanderen |
wife’s husband |
Henri IV. l'Aveugle de Luxembourg Birth: about 1112 44 44 Death: August 14, 1196 — Echternach, Grevenmacher, Luxembourg |
wife |
Laureta van Vlaanderen Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1102 2 Death: 1175 |
Marriage: between 1157 and 1163 — |
Raoul I. de Vermandois + Laureta van Vlaanderen |
wife’s husband |
Raoul I. de Vermandois Birth: between 1085 and 1094 28 23 Death: October 13, 1152 |
wife |
Laureta van Vlaanderen Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1102 2 Death: 1175 |
Hendrik II. van Limburg + Laureta van Vlaanderen |
wife’s husband |
Hendrik II. van Limburg Birth: 1110 25 30 Death: August 1, 1167 — Rome |
wife |
Laureta van Vlaanderen Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1102 2 Death: 1175 |
Marriage: — |