
Karl Conrad WiederholdAge: 72 years18681940

Karl Conrad Wiederhold

Konrad Wiederhold; Carl Conrad Wiederhold

Konrad Wiederhold; Carl Conrad Wiederhold
also known as
renaming: Insterburg is now Chernyakhovsk, Russia
May 27, 1868 36 22
Birth of a brotherErich Wilhelm Wiederhold
November 1, 1872 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a sisterAnna Catharina Wiederhold
June 11, 1874 (Age 6 years)
Death of a fatherKarl Konrad Friedrich Gustav Wiederhold
March 22, 1876 (Age 7 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherKarl Wilhelm Wiederhold
December 3, 1876 (Age 8 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherJulius Hermann Ferdinand Droz
June 4, 1882 (Age 14 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherLaurette Friederike Ahrends
November 4, 1893 (Age 25 years)
Portrait painter in Berlin-Alt-Moabit No. 119
1897 (Age 28 years)

Birth of a son
Heinrich Konrad Wiederhold
March 17, 1899 (Age 30 years)
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Latitude: N52.4941 Longitude: E13.3961

Birth of a son
Albrecht Hasso Wiederhold
June 5, 1900 (Age 32 years)
Death of a motherAnna Marie Louise Droz
November 4, 1912 (Age 44 years)
Porträtmaler, Kunstmaler (painter) cited in [Vollmer: Algemeines Lexic on der Bildenden Kunste], Leipzig
between 1899 and 1940 (Age 30 years)
on ship Usaramo from Hamburg
1912 (Age 43 years)
ship Usaramo, tourism, as painter
1926 (Age 57 years)
Residence 1935 (Age 66 years)
Death of a sisterAnna Catharina Wiederhold
1937 (Age 68 years)
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Latitude: N52.4941 Longitude: E13.3961

Alfred W. Generation
Gio has a sketch of a boat by him

I had Mariensee, Westpreußen, Germany, DGB: 1941 Berlin Johannisthal
December 30, 1940 (Age 72 years)
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Latitude: N52.4941 Longitude: E13.3961

Family with parents - View this family
Karl Konrad Friedrich Gustav Wiederhold
Birth: baptismal date 22 Nov 1832November 25, 1831 28 18Schöneck, Ostpreußen, Germany
Death: Lungenbluten (bleeding of the lungs)March 22, 1876Insterburg, Ostpreußen, Germany
Marriage: April 12, 1867Insterburg, Ostpreußen, Germany
7 years
younger sister
-6 years
Karl Conrad Wiederhold
Birth: renaming: Insterburg is now Chernyakhovsk, RussiaMay 27, 1868 36 22Insterburg, Ostpreußen, Germany
Death: I had Mariensee, Westpreußen, Germany, DGB: 1941 Berlin JohannisthalDecember 30, 1940Berlin, Berlin, Germany
4 years
younger brother
Family with Helene Charlotte Elisabeth Klugkist - View this family
Karl Conrad Wiederhold
Birth: renaming: Insterburg is now Chernyakhovsk, RussiaMay 27, 1868 36 22Insterburg, Ostpreußen, Germany
Death: I had Mariensee, Westpreußen, Germany, DGB: 1941 Berlin JohannisthalDecember 30, 1940Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Helene Charlotte Elisabeth Klugkist
Birth: DoB in handwritten source, also shown as 22 Sep 1872February 13, 1872 44 30Bawien, Gerdauen, Germany
Death: March 26, 1951Wittenau, Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Heinrich Konrad Wiederhold
Birth: March 17, 1899 30 27Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Death: war casualtyMay 11, 1945Maleme, Chania, Crete, Greece
15 months