Frederika HabermannAge: 51 years1837–1888
- Name
- Frederika Habermann
Birth | May 2, 1837 34 22 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Johann Gottfried Habermann about 1840 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a brother | Carl Gottlob Emil Habermann May 23, 1841 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Maria Theresia Grabsch about 1843 (Age 5 years) |
Death of a mother | Clara Johanna Prause November 12, 1853 (Age 16 years) |
Marriage | n Gottesberg — View this family January 10, 1860 (Age 22 years) |
Death of a father | Johann Gottlob Habermann March 19, 1880 (Age 42 years) |
Alfred W. Generation | godmother of Susanne Haberman |
Death | nearly illegible September 9, 1888 (Age 51 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Johann Gottlob Habermann Birth: Date was transcibed earlier as 30 Mar 1809 — March 30, 1803 27 27 — Waldenburg, Schlesien, Germany Death: Schlaganfall (age 77?) — March 19, 1880 — Nieder-Hermsdorf, bei Waldenburg, Schlesien |
mother |
Clara Johanna Prause Birth: spelling? — May 9, 1814 52 54 — Waldenburg, Schlesien, Germany Death: November 12, 1853 — Hergisdorf, Breslau, Schlesien, Germany |
Marriage: February 15, 1836 — Hermsdorf, Waldenburg, Schlesien, Germany |
5 years younger brother |
Carl Gottlob Emil Habermann Birth: Waldenburg, Schlesien/ Waldenburg is now Walbrzych-Sobiecin, Jaroslaw , Poland — May 23, 1841 38 27 — Nieder-Hermsdorf, Kreis Waldenburg, Nieder Schlesien, Germany Death: October 14, 1901 — Gõrlitz, Schlesien, Germany |
-4 years herself |
Frederika Habermann Birth: May 2, 1837 34 22 Death: nearly illegible — September 9, 1888 |
Father’s family with Eva Maria Julia Prause |
father |
Johann Gottlob Habermann Birth: Date was transcibed earlier as 30 Mar 1809 — March 30, 1803 27 27 — Waldenburg, Schlesien, Germany Death: Schlaganfall (age 77?) — March 19, 1880 — Nieder-Hermsdorf, bei Waldenburg, Schlesien |
step-mother |
Eva Maria Julia Prause Birth: spelling set to match sibling — 1813 Death: before 1836 |
Father’s family with Frederika Heilmann |
father |
Johann Gottlob Habermann Birth: Date was transcibed earlier as 30 Mar 1809 — March 30, 1803 27 27 — Waldenburg, Schlesien, Germany Death: Schlaganfall (age 77?) — March 19, 1880 — Nieder-Hermsdorf, bei Waldenburg, Schlesien |
step-mother |
Frederika Heilmann Birth: place or widow of — April 13, 1818 — Gottlobburg Death: March 7, 1879 |
Family with n Gottesberg |
husband |
n Gottesberg Birth: estimated as equal to wife's birth year — about 1840 |
herself |
Frederika Habermann Birth: May 2, 1837 34 22 Death: nearly illegible — September 9, 1888 |
Marriage: January 10, 1860 — Gottesberg? |