Bolko II. von MünsterbergAge: 41 years1300–1341
- Name
- Bolko II. von Münsterberg
Boleslaw IV. von Schweidnitz; Bolko II. Ziębicki,
- Name
- Boleslaw IV. von Schweidnitz; Bolko II. Ziębicki,
- Type
- also known as
Birth | about 1300 47 34 |
Death of a father | Bolko I. von Schweidnitz November 9, 1302 (Age 2 years) |
Death of a mother | Beatrix von Brandenburg 1316 (Age 16 years) |
Death of a sister | Judith von Schweidnitz September 15, 1320 (Age 20 years) |
Occupation | Herzog (duke) between 1302 and 1320 (Age 2 years) |
Death of a brother | Bernhard II. von Schweidnitz May 6, 1326 (Age 26 years) |
Alfred W. Generation | entwred to distinguish 2 Bolko IIs |
Death | 1341 (Age 41 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Bolko I. von Schweidnitz Birth: about 1253 36 36 Death: November 9, 1302 |
mother |
Beatrix von Brandenburg Birth: estimated by interpolation of parent and child dates — about 1266 20 20 Death: 1316 |
Marriage: 1286 — |
-2 years elder brother |
Bernhard II. von Schweidnitz Birth: about 1288 35 22 Death: May 6, 1326 |
18 years himself |
Bolko II. von Münsterberg Birth: about 1300 47 34 Death: 1341 |
-12 years elder sister |
Judith von Schweidnitz Birth: between 1285 and 1287 32 19 Death: September 15, 1320 |