Magdalene von BrandenburgAge: 42 years1412–1454
- Name
- Magdalene von Brandenburg
Family with parents |
father |
Friedrich I. von Brandenburg Birth: September 21, 1371 38 41 — Nürnberg, Franken, Bayern, Germany Death: September 20, 1440 — Cadolzburg, Fürth, Germany |
mother |
Elisabeth von Bayern-Landshut Birth: 1383 44 17 Death: November 13, 1442 — Ansbach, Hersfeld, Germany |
Marriage: September 19, 1401 — |
13 years younger brother |
Albrecht Achilles III. von Brandenburg Birth: November 9, 1414 43 31 — Tangermünde Death: March 11, 1486 — Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany |
-22 months herself |
Magdalene von Brandenburg Birth: 1412 40 29 Death: 1454 |
-6 years elder sister |
Cäcilie von Brandenburg Birth: 1405 33 22 — Berlin, Brandenburg, Germany Death: January 4, 1449 |
Family with Friedrich II. der Fromme von Braunschweig-Lüneburg |
husband |
Friedrich II. der Fromme von Braunschweig-Lüneburg Birth: 1418 60 57 Death: March 19, 1478 — Celle, Braunschweig, Germany |
herself |
Magdalene von Brandenburg Birth: 1412 40 29 Death: 1454 |
Marriage: September 14, 1430 — |
16 months son |
Bernhard II. von Braunschweig-Lüneburg Birth: estimated as after parents' marriage — about 1431 13 19 Death: February 9, 1464 |
3 years son |
Otto V. der siegreiche von Braunschweig-Lüneburg Birth: estimated as close to sibling(s) — about 1433 15 21 — Lüneburg, Niedersachsen, Germany Death: died in a Turnier (lance-riding competion) — January 8, 1471 — Celle, Braunschweig, Germany |
10 years daughter |
Margarete von Braunschweig-Lüneburg Birth: 1442 24 30 Death: 1512 |