Margarete von SachsenAge: 58 years1361–1419
- Name
- Margarete von Sachsen
Birth | estimated as 25 years prior to marriage about 1361 24 10 |
Marriage of parents | Wenzel I. von Sachsen-Wittenberg — Cäcilia di Carrara — View this family January 23, 1376 (Age 15 years) |
Marriage | Berhard I. von Braunschweig-Lüneburg — View this family 3 children 1386 (Age 25 years) |
Death of a father | Wenzel I. von Sachsen-Wittenberg May 15, 1388 (Age 27 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Franz di Carrara October 6, 1393 (Age 32 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Friedrich II. der Fromme von Braunschweig-Lüneburg 1418 (Age 57 years) |
Death | 1419 (Age 58 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Wenzel I. von Sachsen-Wittenberg Birth: about 1337 53 42 Death: May 15, 1388 — Celle, Braunschweig, Germany |
mother |
Cäcilia di Carrara Birth: estimated a gap of 25 years — about 1351 25 |
Marriage: January 23, 1376 — |
-17 years elder sister |
Anna von Sachsen-Wittenberg Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — 1358 21 7 Death: 1426 |
4 years herself |
Margarete von Sachsen Birth: estimated as 25 years prior to marriage — about 1361 24 10 Death: 1419 |
Family with Berhard I. von Braunschweig-Lüneburg |
husband |
Berhard I. von Braunschweig-Lüneburg Birth: between 1358 and 1364 34 28 Death: June 11, 1434 — Celle, Braunschweig, Germany |
herself |
Margarete von Sachsen Birth: estimated as 25 years prior to marriage — about 1361 24 10 Death: 1419 |
Marriage: 1386 — |
33 years son |
Friedrich II. der Fromme von Braunschweig-Lüneburg Birth: 1418 60 57 Death: March 19, 1478 — Celle, Braunschweig, Germany |