Christiane Charlotte von Nassau-OttweilerAge: 76 years1685–1761
- Name
- Christiane Charlotte von Nassau-Ottweiler
Birth | 1685 |
Marriage | Friedrich III. Jacob von Hessen-Homburg — View this family 1728 (Age 43 years) |
Death of a husband | Friedrich III. Jacob von Hessen-Homburg 1746 (Age 61 years) |
Death | 1752 1761 (Age 76 years) |
Family with Friedrich III. Jacob von Hessen-Homburg |
husband |
Friedrich III. Jacob von Hessen-Homburg Birth: 1673 39 26 Death: 1746 |
herself |
Christiane Charlotte von Nassau-Ottweiler Birth: 1685 Death: 1752 — 1761 |
Marriage: 1728 — |
Friedrich III. Jacob von Hessen-Homburg + Elisabeth Dorothea von Hessen-Darmstadt |
husband |
Friedrich III. Jacob von Hessen-Homburg Birth: 1673 39 26 Death: 1746 |
husband’s wife |
Elisabeth Dorothea von Hessen-Darmstadt Birth: April 24, 1676 46 36 — Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany Death: September 9, 1721 — Homburg vor der Höhe, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany |
Marriage: 1700 — |