Jean de DreuxAge: 30 years1245–1275
- Name
- Jean de Dreux
John de Dreux
- Name
- John de Dreux
- Type
- also known as
Birth | 1245 30 |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Aénor de Saint-Valery-sur-Somme 1250 (Age 5 years) |
Marriage | Beatrice of England — View this family 6 children January 22, 1260 (Age 15 years) |
Death of a wife | Beatrice of England 1274 (Age 29 years) |
Death of a wife | Beatrice of England March 24, 1275 (Age 30 years) |
Death | about 1275 (Age 30 years) |
Occupation | duke 1286 (11 years after death) |
Family with parents |
father |
Jean I. de Dreux Birth: 1215 30 23 — Nicosia, Cyprus |
elder brother |
Robert IV. de Dreux Birth: 1241 26 Death: 1282 |
5 years himself |
Jean de Dreux Birth: 1245 30 Death: about 1275 |
Family with Beatrice of England |
himself |
Jean de Dreux Birth: 1245 30 Death: about 1275 |
wife |
Beatrice of England Birth: 1242 34 19 — Bordeaux, Loiret, Centre, France Death: March 24, 1275 — London, England; |
Marriage: January 22, 1260 — |
Jean II. de Bretagne + Beatrice of England |
wife’s husband |
Jean II. de Bretagne Birth: 1239 22 13 Death: 1305 — Lyon, France |
wife |
Beatrice of England Birth: 1242 34 19 — Bordeaux, Loiret, Centre, France Death: March 24, 1275 — London, England; |
Marriage: 1260 — |
9 years step-daughter |
Marie de Bretagne Birth: 1268 29 26 Death: 1339 |
-6 years step-son |
Arthur II. de Bretagne Birth: July 25, 1261 22 19 Death: August 27, 1312 — château de l'Isle à Marzan) |