Kuno II. von Falkenstein-MünzenbergAge: 27 years1306–1333
- Name
- Kuno II. von Falkenstein-Münzenberg
Birth | estimated as following parents' marriage, considering siblings about 1306 49 28 |
Marriage of a parent | Philipp III. von Falkenstein — Mechthild von Hessen — View this family October 11, 1309 (Age 3 years) |
Death of a mother | Luckarde von Isenburg October 11, 1309 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Philipp VI. von Falkenstein about 1320 (Age 14 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Luitgard von Falkenstein-Münzenberg about 1322 (Age 16 years) |
Death of a father | Philipp III. von Falkenstein February 9, 1322 (Age 16 years) |
Death of a wife | Anna von Nassau-Hadamar 1329 (Age 23 years) |
Marriage | Imagina von Bickenbach — View this family after 1329 (Age 23 years) |
Death | May 14, 1333 (Age 27 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Philipp III. von Falkenstein Birth: about 1257 20 19 Death: February 9, 1322 |
mother |
Luckarde von Isenburg Birth: estimated as 25 years prior to marriage — about 1278 Death: October 11, 1309 |
Marriage: 1303 — |
4 years himself |
Kuno II. von Falkenstein-Münzenberg Birth: estimated as following parents' marriage, considering siblings — about 1306 49 28 Death: May 14, 1333 |
Father’s family with Mechthild von Hessen |
father |
Philipp III. von Falkenstein Birth: about 1257 20 19 Death: February 9, 1322 |
step-mother |
Mechthild von Hessen Birth: 1267 22 19 Death: 1332 |
Marriage: October 11, 1309 — |
Father’s family with Mechthild von Eppstein |
father |
Philipp III. von Falkenstein Birth: about 1257 20 19 Death: February 9, 1322 |
step-mother |
Mechthild von Eppstein Birth: about 1269 Death: 1303 |
Marriage: 1287 — |
Family with Anna von Nassau-Hadamar |
himself |
Kuno II. von Falkenstein-Münzenberg Birth: estimated as following parents' marriage, considering siblings — about 1306 49 28 Death: May 14, 1333 |
wife |
Anna von Nassau-Hadamar Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1306 Death: 1329 |
son |
Philipp VI. von Falkenstein Birth: name designation updated 1343 — about 1320 14 14 Death: fell from horse during escape, imprisoned — before August 6, 1373 — Burg Reifenberg |
3 years daughter |
Luitgard von Falkenstein-Münzenberg Birth: estimated as close to sibling(s) — about 1322 16 16 Death: before 1363 |
Family with Imagina von Bickenbach |
himself |
Kuno II. von Falkenstein-Münzenberg Birth: estimated as following parents' marriage, considering siblings — about 1306 49 28 Death: May 14, 1333 |
wife |
Imagina von Bickenbach Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1306 Death: 1367 |
Marriage: after 1329 — |