Charlotte Margarethe MerkelAge: 55 years1768–1823
- Name
- Charlotte Margarethe Merkel
Laurette Merkel
- Name
- Laurette Merkel
- Type
- also known as
Birth | January 28, 1768 25 25 |
Birth of a son #1 | David Wilhelm Wiederhold February 5, 1795 (Age 27 years) |
Marriage | Thomas Wilhelm Wiederhold — View this family May 4, 1795 (Age 27 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Karl Wilhelm Wiederhold April 3, 1803 (Age 35 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Wilhelmina Emilie Wiederhold January 2, 1805 (Age 36 years) |
Alfred W. Generation | |
Baptism of a son | David Wilhelm Wiederhold |
Death | July 19, 1823 (Age 55 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
David Christoph Merkel Birth: estimated as equal to wife's birth year — about 1743 |
mother |
Anna Christiane Giesler Birth: estimated a gap of 25 years — about 1743 |
herself |
Charlotte Margarethe Merkel Birth: January 28, 1768 25 25 — Schmalkalden, Thüringen, Germany Death: July 19, 1823 — Dönhoffstedt, Ostpreußen, Germany |
Family with Thomas Wilhelm Wiederhold |
husband |
Thomas Wilhelm Wiederhold Birth: baptized in the GarnisonGemeinde (military community) — October 23, 1771 29 25 — Kassel, Hessen, Germany Death: burial Groß Wolfsdorf, Rastenburg, Ostpreussen, Germany — February 16, 1838 — Dönhoffstedt, Ostpreußen, Germany |
herself |
Charlotte Margarethe Merkel Birth: January 28, 1768 25 25 — Schmalkalden, Thüringen, Germany Death: July 19, 1823 — Dönhoffstedt, Ostpreußen, Germany |
Marriage: May 4, 1795 — Schmalkalden, Thüringen, Germany |
-3 months son |
David Wilhelm Wiederhold Birth: godfather is David W.Merkel (see) — February 5, 1795 23 27 Death: estimated — May 30, 1854 — Oidenurm, |
10 years daughter |
Wilhelmina Emilie Wiederhold Birth: January 2, 1805 33 36 — Mariensee, Westpreußen, Germany Death: Nervenfieber (typhoid fever) — November 27, 1833 — Schöneck, Ostpreußen, Germany |
-21 months son |
Karl Wilhelm Wiederhold Birth: April 3, 1803 31 35 — Memel, Ostpreußen, Germany Death: December 3, 1876 — Mariensee, Westpreußen, Germany |