Marguerite de BourgogneAge: 60 years1248–1308
- Name
- Marguerite de Bourgogne
Birth | 1248 |
Marriage | Charles I. d'Anjou — View this family 1 daughter, short-lived yes |
Death of a husband | Charles I. d'Anjou January 7, 1285 (Age 37 years) |
Occupation | comtesse (countess) |
Death | 1308 (Age 60 years) |
Family with Charles I. d'Anjou |
husband |
Charles I. d'Anjou Birth: posthumous birth — March 21, 1227 40 39 Death: January 7, 1285 — Foggia, Puglia, Italy |
herself |
Marguerite de Bourgogne Birth: 1248 Death: 1308 |
Marriage: — |
Charles I. d'Anjou + Béatrice de Provence |
husband |
Charles I. d'Anjou Birth: posthumous birth — March 21, 1227 40 39 Death: January 7, 1285 — Foggia, Puglia, Italy |
husband’s wife |
Béatrice de Provence Birth: between 1231 and 1234 36 33 Death: 1267 |
Marriage: 1246 — |
5 years step-daughter |
Blanche d'Anjou Birth: 1250 22 19 Death: January 10, 1269 |
5 years step-son |
Charles II. le Boiteux d'Anjou Birth: 1254 26 23 Death: May 6, 1309 — Napoli, Campania, Italy |
8 years step-son |
Isabella d'Anjou Birth: about 1261 33 30 Death: November 3, 1303 — Napoli, Campania, Italy |