Jean-Baptiste de BrouchovenAge: 62 years1619–1681
- Name
- Jean-Baptiste de Brouchoven
Birth | 1619 |
Marriage | Helena Fourment — View this family 5 children between 1643 and 1644 (Age 24 years) |
Occupation | alderman, treasurer, Councillor of State, ambassador, baron, count 1643 (Age 24 years) |
Death of a wife | Helena Fourment July 15, 1673 (Age 54 years) |
Marriage | Marie Françoise d'Ennetières — View this family 1674 (Age 55 years) |
Death | on travel November 13, 1681 (Age 62 years) |
Family with Helena Fourment |
himself |
Jean-Baptiste de Brouchoven Birth: 1619 — 's Hertogenbosch, Gelderland, The Netherlands Death: on travel — November 13, 1681 — Toulouse, Haute Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, France |
wife |
Helena Fourment Birth: April 11, 1614 Death: July 15, 1673 |
Marriage: between 1643 and 1644 — |
Family with Marie Françoise d'Ennetières |
himself |
Jean-Baptiste de Brouchoven Birth: 1619 — 's Hertogenbosch, Gelderland, The Netherlands Death: on travel — November 13, 1681 — Toulouse, Haute Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, France |
wife |
Marie Françoise d'Ennetières Birth: estimated as 25 years prior to marriage — about 1649 |
Marriage: 1674 — |
Peter Paul Rubens + Helena Fourment |
wife’s husband |
Peter Paul Rubens Birth: June 28, 1577 47 39 — Siegen, Westfalen, Germany Death: 1640 |
wife |
Helena Fourment Birth: April 11, 1614 Death: July 15, 1673 |
Marriage: — |