Joan of EnglandAge: 27 years1210–1238
- Name
- Joan of England
Birth | July 22, 1210 42 35 |
Birth of a sister | Isabella Plantagenet of England 1214 (Age 3 years) |
Death of a father | John Lackland of England October 19, 1216 (Age 6 years) |
Death of a father | John Lackland of England October 19, 1219 (Age 9 years) |
Marriage | Alexander II. of Scotland — View this family no children June 21, 1221 (Age 10 years) |
Occupation | inhertor |
Death | March 4, 1238 (Age 27 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
John Lackland of England Birth: December 24, 1167 — Oxford, Oxfordshire, England Death: October 19, 1216 — Newark Castle, Newark-on-Trent, England |
mother |
Isabelle d'Angoulême Birth: estimated as 25 years prior to marriage — about 1175 |
Marriage: August 24, 1200 — |
7 years elder brother |
Henry III. of England Birth: October 1, 1207 39 32 — Winchester, Hampshire, England Death: November 16, 1272 — Westminster, London, England |
15 months elder brother |
Richard I. of England HRR Birth: January 5, 1209 41 34 — Winchester, Hampshire, England Death: April 2, 1272 — Berkhamsted |
18 months herself |
Joan of England Birth: July 22, 1210 42 35 Death: March 4, 1238 |
4 years younger sister |
Isabella Plantagenet of England Birth: 1214 46 39 Death: 1241 |
Father’s family with Isabel of Gloucester |
father |
John Lackland of England Birth: December 24, 1167 — Oxford, Oxfordshire, England Death: October 19, 1216 — Newark Castle, Newark-on-Trent, England |
step-mother |
Isabel of Gloucester Birth: about 1167 |
Marriage: before 1199 — |
Father’s family with … various |
father |
John Lackland of England Birth: December 24, 1167 — Oxford, Oxfordshire, England Death: October 19, 1216 — Newark Castle, Newark-on-Trent, England |
step-mother |
… various Birth: about 1167 Death: estimated range — 1203 |
Marriage: — |
Family with Alexander II. of Scotland |
husband |
Alexander II. of Scotland Birth: August 24, 1198 Death: July 6, 1249 |
herself |
Joan of England Birth: July 22, 1210 42 35 Death: March 4, 1238 |
Marriage: June 21, 1221 — York, Lancashire, England |
Alexander II. of Scotland + Marie de Coucy |
husband |
Alexander II. of Scotland Birth: August 24, 1198 Death: July 6, 1249 |
husband’s wife |
Marie de Coucy Birth: 1218 36 26 Death: 1285 |
step-son |
Alexander III. of Scotland Birth: September 4, 1241 43 23 — Roxburgh Mains, Roxburghshire, Scotland Death: March 19, 1286 |