Marie von Loon-HeinsbergAge: 77 years1424–1502
- Name
- Marie von Loon-Heinsberg
Maria van Loon
- Name
- Maria van Loon
- Type
- also known as
Maria van Loon von Nassau
- Name
- Maria van Loon von Nassau
Maria van Loon
- Name
- Maria van Loon
Maria von Loon-Heinsberg
- Name
- Maria von Loon-Heinsberg
Family with parents |
father |
Johann von Heinsberg-Loon Birth: estimated as equal to wife's birth year — about 1399 35 |
mother |
Anna von Solms-Braunfels Birth: shown is 1366, reestimated as a gap of 25 years, — about 1399 29 41 — Huis Dalenbroek bij Herkenbosch, Limburg, The Netherlands Death: 1433 |
Marriage: December 19, 1443 — |
-20 years herself |
Marie von Loon-Heinsberg Birth: May 20, 1424 25 25 — Heinsberg, Olpe, Rheinland, Germany Death: PoB — April 20, 1502 — Breda, Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands |
Family with Johann IV. von Nassau-Dillenburg |
husband |
Johann IV. von Nassau-Dillenburg Birth: or 8 Jan 1410, Dillenburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany — August 1, 1410 40 18 — Breda, Brabant, The Netherlands Death: February 3, 1475 — Dillenburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany |
herself |
Marie von Loon-Heinsberg Birth: May 20, 1424 25 25 — Heinsberg, Olpe, Rheinland, Germany Death: PoB — April 20, 1502 — Breda, Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands |
Marriage: February 7, 1440 — Breda, Brabant, The Netherlands |
23 months daughter |
Anna von Nassau-Dillenburg Birth: 1441 30 16 — Breda, Brabant, The Netherlands Death: April 8, 1515 — Celle, Braunschweig, Germany |
15 years son |
Johann V. von Nassau-Dillenburg Birth: November 9, 1455 45 31 — Breda, Brabant, The Netherlands Death: July 30, 1516 — Dillenburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany |
-5 years son |
Engelbert II. der ruhmreiche von Nassau Birth: May 17, 1451 40 26 — Breda, Brabant, The Netherlands Death: May 31, 1504 — Bruxelles, Belgium |
-2 years daughter |
Adriana von Nassau-Dillenburg Birth: February 7, 1449 38 24 — Breda, Brabant, The Netherlands Death: June 15, 1477 — Hanau, Hessen-Kassel, Germany |
Johann IV. von Nassau-Dillenburg + Alheid van Lommel |
husband |
Johann IV. von Nassau-Dillenburg Birth: or 8 Jan 1410, Dillenburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany — August 1, 1410 40 18 — Breda, Brabant, The Netherlands Death: February 3, 1475 — Dillenburg, Hessen-Nassau, Germany |
husband’s wife |
Alheid van Lommel Birth: estimated a gap of 25 years — about 1410 |
step-son |
Johann I. von Nassau Birth: about 1435 24 25 Death: November 29, 1506 — Breda, Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands |