Gerard van WessenbergAge: 40 years1215–1255
- Name
- Gerard van Wessenberg
Birth | estimated as equal to wife's birth year about 1215 |
Marriage | Elisabeth van Brabant — View this family 1246 (Age 31 years) |
Death | 1255 (Age 40 years) |
Family with Elisabeth van Brabant |
himself |
Gerard van Wessenberg Birth: estimated as equal to wife's birth year — about 1215 Death: 1255 |
wife |
Elisabeth van Brabant Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1215 50 17 Death: October 23, 1272 |
Marriage: 1246 — |
Dietrich primogenitus van Kleef + Elisabeth van Brabant |
wife’s husband |
Dietrich primogenitus van Kleef Birth: between 1214 and 1215 29 19 Death: 1244 |
wife |
Elisabeth van Brabant Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1215 50 17 Death: October 23, 1272 |
Marriage: March 19, 1233 — |
5 years step-daughter |
Elisabeth van Kleef Birth: estimated as close to sibling(s) — 1237 23 22 Death: after 1283 |
-2 years step-daughter |
Mechthild van Kleef Birth: estimated as after parents' marriage — about 1234 Death: or 1304 — December 21, 1309 |