Amöna von Daun-FalkensteinAge: 62 years1520–1582
- Name
- Amöna von Daun-Falkenstein
Birth | about 1520 25 25 |
Death of a mother | Irmgard von Sayn about 1551 (Age 31 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Magdalena von Neuenahr-Alpen 1553 (Age 33 years) |
Death of a husband | Gumprecht II. von Neuenahr-Alpen 1555 (Age 35 years) |
Marriage of a child | Arnold III. von Bentheim-Tecklenburg — Magdalena von Neuenahr-Alpen — View this family July 26, 1573 (Age 53 years) |
Death | about 1582 (Age 62 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Wirich V. von Daun-Falkenstein Birth: estimated as equal to wife's birth year — about 1495 |
mother |
Irmgard von Sayn Birth: estimated a gap of 25 years — about 1495 Death: about 1551 |
herself |
Amöna von Daun-Falkenstein Birth: about 1520 25 25 Death: about 1582 |
Family with Gumprecht II. von Neuenahr-Alpen |
husband |
Gumprecht II. von Neuenahr-Alpen Birth: 1503 Death: 1555 |
herself |
Amöna von Daun-Falkenstein Birth: about 1520 25 25 Death: about 1582 |
daughter |
Magdalena von Neuenahr-Alpen Birth: 1553 50 33 Death: January 13, 1627 |
Gumprecht II. von Neuenahr-Alpen + Anna van Bronckhorst |
husband |
Gumprecht II. von Neuenahr-Alpen Birth: 1503 Death: 1555 |
husband’s wife |
Anna van Bronckhorst Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1503 47 25 Death: October 1, 1529 |
Marriage: February 14, 1528 — |
Gumprecht II. von Neuenahr-Alpen + Cordula von Holstein-Schauenburg |
husband |
Gumprecht II. von Neuenahr-Alpen Birth: 1503 Death: 1555 |
husband’s wife |
Cordula von Holstein-Schauenburg Birth: 1516 33 24 Death: November 20, 1542 |
step-daughter |
Amalia von Neuenahr-Alpen Birth: April 6, 1539 36 23 — Alpen, Wesel, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Death: April 10, 1602 |