Johann III. von WiedAge: 45 years1488–1533
- Name
- Johann III. von Wied
Johann III. zu Wied
- Name
- Johann III. zu Wied
- Type
- also known as
Birth | estimated as equal to wife's birth year about 1488 |
Marriage | Elisabeth von Nassau-Dillenburg — View this family 6 daughters and 2 sons December 1, 1488 |
Birth of a child #1 | Agnes von Wied about 1520 (Age 32 years) |
Birth of a child #2 | Agnes von Wied about 1521 (Age 33 years) |
Occupation | Graf (count) |
Death | March 18, 1533 (Age 45 years) |
Family with Elisabeth von Nassau-Dillenburg |
himself |
Johann III. von Wied Birth: estimated as equal to wife's birth year — about 1488 Death: March 18, 1533 |
wife |
Elisabeth von Nassau-Dillenburg Birth: December 1, 1488 33 22 Death: June 3, 1559 — Deggendorf, Bayern, Germany |
Marriage: December 1, 1488 — Idar-Oberstein, Pfalz, Germany |
32 years child |
Agnes von Wied Birth: about 1520 32 31 — Wied, Death: 1588 |